Of course I heard of Where the Crawdads Sing, but until now I didn't feel the call to pick it up and read it, but with so many people talking about it now was finally the time to get this one off of my TBR list. The book started slow for me, but many character-driven stories do because they need time to percolate and build the character within the pages. The reward of staying with the story though was totally worth it. By the end, I felt like Kya was a girl I knew, someone who grew up down the street. I felt for her with every up and down, twist and turn of her life as she grew from a child to a woman. This book had a little of everything- tragedy, romance, mystery, court-room drama, and some wins and losses
for Kya along the way. The prose is beautifully written and transports you to this world where Kya is forced to grow-up and depend on her natural surroundings, so well developed the location feels like a character unto itself.
This is a character-driven tale, both haunting and beautiful at the same time and totally hard to put down once your are immersed into Kya's life and her home in the swamp.